The Officers and Directors of the Cedar Park Road Maintenance Corporation (CPRMC) are making plans for our community’s transition to a Public Improvement District for area road work. This includes:
- A decision to not bill Cedar Park property owners for a 2014 road assessment. This was really assumed by the board with little discussion, but we know some of you want the reassurance that we have no intent to make further assessments for road work.
- Reducing operational expenses to the minimum that will allow CPRMC to continue to exist as a legally-viable corporation in the short term.
- A review of corporation bylaws with an eye toward changes to support more financially-efficient operation.
- A commitment to continue to fulfill our Corporate duty to collect outstanding debt.
- To determine how best to apply existing Corporation funds to needed road work within Cedar Park.
- As required by our organizing documents, we will have a summer annual meeting as usual, where one topic of discussion will be the future of CPRMC.
This website is part of our effort to reduce operational expenses, as electronic communications are more cost-efficient than using US Mail. Following the Fall 2013 newsletter, all further communications will be via e-mail and this website to the maximum extent permitted by law.