Proposed Bylaw Changes – Concise

This is an alternate presentation of the proposed proposed CPRMC Bylaw changes that may be more easily digestible by some.  It is a PDF file showing the changes – additions and deletions – highlighted in red, a Microsoft Word Track Changes presentation.  (Click to open the PDF).

The key changes include:
1.    Allowing all notices to be posted on the website and emailed to property owners, eliminating a need for the expense of USPS mailing.
2.    Changing the phrase “Road Fee” or “Road Dues” to “Assessment” since at this time there is no intent to assess for further road work.
3.    Allowing the board to meet electronically or in person.
4.    Statements to the effect that the function of the board will be to advise the PID board and to otherwise fulfill it legal obligations as a corporation (the current PID board has asked that the existing filing director structure be used to advise it of area road needs – see the PID section of the CPRMC website).
5.    Language to nullify certain bylaw sections as long as the PID is in effect to manage area road work.
6.    A few editorial changes.
John Green
CPRMC Treasurer